Looking for a Music Teacher?

InStore_TuitionPaul Bothner Music is committed to the furtherance of music education in South Africa. In addition to supporting a variety of Music Education Institutions like The Sound House, many of our branches offer in-store tutors. Each teacher operates independently, and offers a range of music styles, from Pop and Rock to Jazz and Blues.If you are looking for a music teacher to start you on your journey, or if you want to improve your current ability, there might be an In-Store tutor for you.
“Teaching at [Paul Bothner Music] has been a great experience for me. As one is in the thick of things as it were: you are surrounded by music and musicians which is very conducive to the creative side of a person…”
Vaughan Hamilton – Piano teacher Jean Village Music

For more information, or to find an in-store tutor closest to you, you can have a look at our In-Store tutors page [HERE]